About Us – Our Story

Remodèe was born from the idea of ​​recovering and giving a second chance to everything that is no longer used, which remains in warehouse at the end of production

Our history starts from the experience gained over the years in the world of fashion, fast fashion and low-cost production.

Our products are unique eco-sustainable pieces that can be produced in limited quantities, based on the raw material we have available and made with a sustainable supply chain by local artisans.

Each piece is HANDMADE IN ITALY, the result of local craftsmanship, entirely produced in Tuscany. Made according to an idea of ​​circular fashion and the use of sustainable resources, where the end of life of products and materials is nothing more than an opportunity to create something new and unique.

The Infinite cycle of Circular fashion

clicca sull’immagine per avere informazioni sul nostro ciclo di produzione!


the circular economy model represents an essential landing point for combating pollution and climate change

European Green Deal

Eco-sustainable, therefore, is everything that leads us to act so that future generations find themselves faced with a world that has an amount of resources equal to the current one.

In other words, the eco-sustainable approach allows us to hand over a healthy planet to our children and grandchildren.
